Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free Essays on Drinking And Driving

Drinking & Driving Driving is a privilege. It’s not a right that was given to you from birth by god himself. Americans are very fortunate to live in a world where you have the choice to drink and drive. Getting behind the wheel of an automobile intoxicated may seem like nothing at all but image if you were the pedestrian walking along the crosswalk, or that little child playing basketball in front of your own home. One right all people have is the right to feel safe, and no one has the right to take that away. When you choose to drink and drive there are other things that you should put into consideration even before you take that first sip of alcohol. One of the most important things to know what actually is happening to your body when you consume alcohol. Almost as soon as you consume a drink it starts to take affect whether you realize it or not. This is partly because alcohol isn’t digested. The bloodstream sucks it through the walls and lining of the stomach. When alcohol gets to the bloodstream it reaches the brain quickly, because a large amount of blood is sent to the brain. The area that is first to be affected by your alcohol intake controls your judgment and reasoning. After that your physical abilities are next to be dulled. When this happens it takes a person longer than a sober person to process information. Finally the part of the brain that is to be affected is the section that operates a person’s reaction time and coordination. An example on the road would be a to over steer, brake late, or not brake at all. When the entire brain is tainted then there is a chance the person may become unconscious. If you decide to drink and your underage or you don’t have a designated driver then its you that will have to pay the consequences. First if you’re underage and even caught in a liquor store your license automatically gets taken away from you. Although if somehow you manage to obtain some alcohol and a polic... Free Essays on Drinking And Driving Free Essays on Drinking And Driving Drinking & Driving Driving is a privilege. It’s not a right that was given to you from birth by god himself. Americans are very fortunate to live in a world where you have the choice to drink and drive. Getting behind the wheel of an automobile intoxicated may seem like nothing at all but image if you were the pedestrian walking along the crosswalk, or that little child playing basketball in front of your own home. One right all people have is the right to feel safe, and no one has the right to take that away. When you choose to drink and drive there are other things that you should put into consideration even before you take that first sip of alcohol. One of the most important things to know what actually is happening to your body when you consume alcohol. Almost as soon as you consume a drink it starts to take affect whether you realize it or not. This is partly because alcohol isn’t digested. The bloodstream sucks it through the walls and lining of the stomach. When alcohol gets to the bloodstream it reaches the brain quickly, because a large amount of blood is sent to the brain. The area that is first to be affected by your alcohol intake controls your judgment and reasoning. After that your physical abilities are next to be dulled. When this happens it takes a person longer than a sober person to process information. Finally the part of the brain that is to be affected is the section that operates a person’s reaction time and coordination. An example on the road would be a to over steer, brake late, or not brake at all. When the entire brain is tainted then there is a chance the person may become unconscious. If you decide to drink and your underage or you don’t have a designated driver then its you that will have to pay the consequences. First if you’re underage and even caught in a liquor store your license automatically gets taken away from you. Although if somehow you manage to obtain some alcohol and a polic...

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